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MAKRIDIS ASSOCIATES follows a systematic and coordinated methodology in the field of interior design of all sectors (residences, offices, shops, shopping centers, entertainment venues, hotels, exhibitions, etc) and object design. Our principal is aesthetic functionality. The functional organization, interior design, atmosphere of the rooms, quality of materials, color palettes, choice of equipment and furniture and the styling are the basic elements that shape and define the identity of a space, reflecting the personality of the client.


We are a team architects and specialized consultans on every level of design – Lighting. Interior. Graphic. Acoustic – implementing projects that highlight the excellence of design, construction, and aesthetic quality.

Works of the company have been published in the international literature.


  • “ATLAS of the World. Interior Design.”, Markus Sebastian Braun, Michelle Galindo (ed), BRAUN 2011, publication of the project “Alexander Beach Hotel and Conference Center”
  • “More Theme Hotels”, Frederik Prinz (ed), BRAUN, 2009, publication of the “Hotel Les Lazaristes” and “Alexander Beach Hotel and Conference Center”